The Sculpture Commission Process

This process can vary greatly depending on the project and people involved.

  1. Initial contact.
     a)   Basic description of project
    b)   Preliminary budget if know

  2. Set process guidelines
    a)   Who is involved in the project

    ·       Design review team or individual

    ·       Physical plant personnel and installation assistance

    ·       Financial decisions and payment parameters

     b)   Establish preliminary timeline

  3. Design Process

     a)   Establish purpose of sculpture

    ·       Tell a story

    ·       Project a feeling

    ·       Commemorate an event

    ·       Honor an individual

    ·       Other

     b)   Review site and select location

    ·       Assess suitability of substrate for base or foundation

    ·       Establish sightlines

    ·       Photograph & measure site & location

     c)   Preliminary design

    ·       Discuss concept with design review team

    ·       Review preliminary drawings by artist

    ·       Initial acceptance or redirection

     d)   Final Design

    ·       Review drawings by artist

    ·       Re-assess timeline

    ·       Re-assess budget

    e)   Acceptance of final plan